The Meaning of Politics: A Reflection

In the eyes of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, the term “political” finds its roots in the word “polis,” signifying the city. Politics, therefore, revolves around the city, encompassing the study of social relations and the way of life of its inhabitants—what we now recognise as the nation.

In more straightforward terms, politics is the science that concerns itself with all the people residing within our nation. In biblical language, it represents the love I hold for those who share my society—the affection for my neighbours and fellow citizens. True politics stands in stark contrast to selfish, exploitative attitudes. While some view others merely as tools for manipulation or cheap labor, genuine politicians start from a place of love and concern. They recognise fellow human beings living in the same nation, sharing common goals and working together.

Our belief is that politics serves as the art of ensuring progress for all within our nation. It’s about conquering freedom, liberty, independence, and fostering peace and justice. This essence of politics lies in the unwavering pursuit—a loving search and struggle—to enhance not only our own lives but also the lives of others.

Furthermore, our education isn’t merely political; it’s rooted in a sense that emerges from love—a love that seeks to transform degrading living conditions faced by fellow human beings. Politics becomes the force through which people collaborate to change inhumane and unjust circumstances. Its an integral part of humanity’s noble quest for dignity and justice.

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