The ‘poryotkes’, that is the ancient sages, held thus:
“In men’s mind there is thought, sometimes a god holds a throne (in it), sometimes a demon holds up the way. In thought there is speech, sometimes a god holds a throne (in it), sometimes a demon holds up the way. In speech there is deed, sometimes a god holds a throne (in it), sometimes a demon holds up the way.
In mind there is recollection, ‘Wahman‘ holds a throne (in it), ‘Akoman’ holds up the way. In recollection there is desire, ‘Sros‘ holds a throne (in it), ‘Xesm’ holds up the way. In desire there is thought, ‘Spandarmad’ holds a throne (in it), the demon ‘Taroman‘ holds up the way. In though there is speech, wisdom holds a throne (in it), lust holds up the way. In speech there is deed, religion holds a throne (in it), self-love holds up the way.
The fight of the demons against men is done in these several ways and paths. He who is saved in these several ways and paths is saved from every place (of danger), and he who is deceived there comes to the hands of the demons, and from then on he has no power, except to do that which the demons command him. We men ought to be heedful so that we do not stray from the way of the gods and go after the demons.
[Source: The Wisdom Of the Sasanian Sages]