Borrowed Slippers

‘Nasrudin’ was taking an evening stroll when he stumbled over a man lying on the grass, drunk. Rolling him over, he recognized the drunkard to be none other than the judge — a man famous for passing stiff sentences for moral offences. Seeing that the judge was unconscious, ‘Nasrudin‘ removed his ornate slippers and coat and went on his way.
It was only as the judge stumbled home next day that he realised that he had been robbed. Livid, he told the police to search every house until they had found the culprit.
It was not long before ‘Nasrudin‘ was hauled into court.
‘Where did you get those slippers and that coat?’ demanded the judge.
‘I borrowed them from a drunk I found lying in the gutter late last night,’ replied the Mulla. ‘I have since tried to return them but do not know the identity of the man. You don’t happen to know him, do you?’
‘Certainly not!’ replied the judge, realising that any other answer would ruin his reputation. ‘Case dismissed!’

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